Thursday, July 19, 2007

Having a blast!

Waking up is difficult because for the first time, I did something social last night and I didn't sleep until midnight or so. I found a Flickr group called NYC Social and I met several photographers at Water Taxi Beach to see the sun set over Manhattan.

Before making my way to Water Taxi Beach, I went to the financial district to get cash from the local ATM (six dollars saved now!) and I knew something was different due to the number of policemen patrolling the streets near Wall Street throughout the financial district.

Unintelligible announcements rang through the subway stations regarding an investigation at Grand Central an investigation that affects train service at Grand Central and elsewhere. So my sequence of trains to the Water Taxi Beach was unusual, but then again, I suspect that I always take unusual routes to get anywhere around New York City.

Eventually, I approached the beach and I saw blazing sunsets cast over Manhattan and I snapped a few photos. I entered the beach and enjoyed my time talking, laughing, and of course, snapping photos with the other NYC Social photographers.

I returned late and surprisingly, a nearby unsecure wireless router allowed me to use the Internet for a half hour or so. Eventually, I wound down and slept.

Today I return to New Hampshire shortly after noon. I need to visit Lilly to drop off money (and a framed photo) for Annabelle and I'll go to for a while. The owner talked about cutting me a check and I need to talk to him about my status and the prospect of long-term employment.

The air was crisp and cool when I woke up. I slept well. It will be good to be in NH tonight, but I'm increasingly comfortable here so I don't feel urgency to return. To use an old IBM phrase, 'It would be nice, but not be necessary' to be in New Hampshire tonight.

Before I close, here is one piece of social commentary that rotates through my thoughts to extend my heavy words from yesterday regarding my belief that our societal foundation rests in people living in Section 8 housing. Each weekday morning, I hear heavy vehicles pass the apartment. Usually I ignore the sounds, but the last few days I moved the window shades to see school buses rumbling past.

Odd, I think for the middle of July. And yesterday, I see two women comforting a young boy boarding the bus. What else can school in the middle of July indicate but hope and progress? There's societal hope here.

I like it here.

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