Thursday, June 21, 2007

Arrival in Brooklyn

It's the 22nd now, but I'm writing for yesterday.

I arrived. Kids goofing off on the sidewalk made me smile. I met Annabelle who is going to sweep when I am not here. I met Lilly. I talked to Vinnie and his daughter. I met my brother Chris in Stamford for dinner and ice cream. I'm back to the apartment, home, and I'm ready to sleep. It's time to go real slow and settle in tomorrow and the next day. The situation here is pace, not sprint.

Then I have to figure out Internet access so that I can stay plugged in. Make a list of things that I need to do. Maybe even jot down some of the emotions of being here.

Outside in the street, I hear the pulse of the city. Last night, while watching fireflies outside of my picture window at home, I thought that Brooklyn would have a pulse. Now I hear it and feel it.

Time for a quick see if I can hijack Internet access and then sleep.

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