Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's 4:47 AM and All Is Well


It's quiet.

It's also 4:47 AM.

I'm awake.


Because the dew-point is near the temperature.

Because someone from the New Hampshire Flickr group is meeting me at Dunklee Pond in an hour.

Because we're nuts!

I am fascinated currently with taking photographs of fog and there is no better time to do this than at the crack of dawn, in a nature preserve, with one or more like-minded photographers.


Last weekend, we scared a deer there. With a little better preparation, I could have taken a photo of it.

Wish me luck.


LTD Crashes into Dunklee Pond Woods 2

Mike and I met and we took photos for a couple of hours. The overcast skies didn't reveal many striking opportunity, but I did a focusing trick to create this weird image of a rusted-out LTD next to Dunklee Pond.

We also saw a couple of herons, the backbone of what appeared to be a deer, ducks, but no beaver or deer this time.

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